Shigellosis Treatment and Prevention

Shigellosis is a bacterial infection. It is characterized by diarrhea, abdominal pain, and fever. It will help if you read this article to know about shigellosis treatment and how to prevent the condition from occurring in your household. Shigella bacteria cause it.

shigellosis treatment

source: Indiatimes


Shigellosis is a disease that you can get when you eat or drink food or water that has been contaminated with Shigella bacteria. The most common way to get Shigellosis is by eating foods prepared by someone infected with Shigella bacteria and did not wash their hands properly after using the bathroom. Shigella infection causes diarrhea that is often bloody. This infection causes Shigellosis.

This infection can affect anyone and spread rapidly, though it usually targets children 5 years old and younger. Shigellosis symptoms include fever, loose bowels and stools, abdominal pain, and vomiting. Shigellosis is the second most common cause of severe diarrhea in children worldwide. It is hard to know how many people have this infection because only some have symptoms. To read the symptoms of Shigellosis in detail, read the below-given article:

Symptoms, Signs, and Causes

Shigellosis Treatment:

It can have many different symptoms. Depending on the patient, if you're experiencing any of the symptoms, check in with your doctor to determine if Shigellosis is the culprit.

Once you've identified the disease and confirmed it by a doctor, there are two ways to treat it: antibiotics and home remedies.

Shigellosis treatment by using Antibiotics:

Antibiotics are typically prescribed for children with Shigellosis because it is easier to treat than for adults. Adults suffering from Shigellosis can also opt for antibiotics. Still, it's important to note that antibiotics do not always work immediately against Shigellosis—they sometimes take up to a week before they begin working effectively. Antibiotics can also lead to side effects like nausea and vomiting.

Shigellosis treatment by Home remedies:

Home remedies are another way of shigellosis treatment. The most known natural remedy is apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar has been shown to help combat shigellosis-related diarrhea and abdominal pain by reducing inflammation in the gut and adjusting the body's acidity levels back to normal. You should drink one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with one tablespoon of water at least twice a day.

Shigellosis Prevention:

Shigellosis is an infection of the large intestine that can be quite painful. It's important to know how to prevent Shigellosis so you can avoid this painful illness!

  • The main cause of Shigellosis is poor hygiene. If you are in a situation where you do not have access to clean water, you will want to avoid eating any food that may contain Shigella bacteria. This includes raw or undercooked meat and vegetables, unpasteurized milk, and raw eggs. You should also ensure your hands are cleaned thoroughly before handling any food items.

  • It's also a good idea to wash your hands after using the bathroom, whether or not you've had diarrhea recently. Even if there isn't any visible dirt on them, your hands could still harbor invisible traces of the bacteria causing Shigellosis.

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, then dry them well before touching anything else. Dry them again immediately after using the bathroom or handling food items because damp hands transfer germs more easily than dry ones do!


You should know that the best way to protect yourself from shigella is to ensure an appropriate level of hygiene so that you do not become infected by contact with infected people or food.

When you experience these symptoms, you should visit your doctor immediately. While the Shigella bacteria usually clears up, treatment is required to avoid complications. Call a doctor as soon as you can and rest until they arrive. Even after the treatment, your stool will remain contaminated for a short time, so wash your hands with soap and water thoroughly to avoid contaminating other people.