Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Erectile dysfunction can be caused by various causes ranging from injuries to other health issues. These symptoms of erectile dysfunction include difficulties in getting and maintaining an erection and reduced sexual desire. Erectile dysfunction can be treated with two different approaches. The first approach can be self-care, and the other approach is medical intervention (Allen & Walter, 2019). Patients with erectile dysfunction need to get a professional evaluation from health care professionals to understand the root cause of their problem. After the evaluation, the best approach between self-care and medical intervention is prescribed.

For the self-care approach, patients with erectile dysfunction must quit harmful behaviors and adapt to healthy habits that will boost their health status. Quitting these habits boosts body functions and improves the patient's reproductive system (Retzler, 2019). For instance, a smoker is at a high risk of erectile dysfunction because of the effects of smoking. Quitting these habits reduces the degree of erectile dysfunction disorder, and with the help of medications, individuals can regain their good health free from erectile dysfunction.

Another self-care treatment that helps in erectile dysfunction treatment is by doing physical exercises. Physical exercises are generally good for the human body to function accordingly. Body muscles are kept active and strong by physical activities. For instance, pelvic and Kegel exercises are the most recommended and effective exercises for patients with erectile dysfunction who want to treat it (Allen & Walter, 2019). These exercises have proven effective since they activate the muscles surrounding the penis and the responsible muscles for an erection and stay firm. Aerobic exercises are recommended for about 20 to 30 minutes daily (Retzler, 2019). In most erectile dysfunction cases, physical activities are the first recommendation for treatment, and many doctors recommend it before recommending medical intervention.

For the medical approach, several medications can be prescribed for the patients. These medications can be hormonal or vasodilators. Some of the drugs suggested can be taken orally, such as Viagra, Stendra, Cialis, and Levitra. These medications boost the erection process and enable the patient to erect and maintain a firm erection strong enough for sexual intercourse (Retzler, 2019). These drugs boost the penile blood flow. They are normally used about an hour before the sexual encounter, resulting in better performance. These drugs can have certain severe outcomes, and their effect only lasts for a short time.

Patients with low testosterone need therapy, which, combined with medications, provides effective results and solves erectile dysfunction. The testosterone dysfunction helps solve mental issues that might be associated with the issues. Again, we have a vacuum erection which helps men get an erection and main it for around 30 minutes (Allen & Walter, 2019). In cases where oral drugs fail to work, other medications such as an injection of the intracavernosal and urethra can be used to treat the condition. There is also the self-injection that is injected into the penis by the patient, although the first injection is vital to be done by the doctor to demonstrate how it is done.

In cases where all these treatment approaches do not work, patients have the option of undergoing surgery. The surgery involves patients getting implants, and the process is risky but very effective. These implants can be inflatable or semi-rigid implants. The surgery approach carries a lot of risk factors and several side effects from the surgery (Retzler, 2019). It takes about two weeks for patients to recover from the surgery, and doctors provide them with prescriptions to help them recover easily.

The other treatment process is by taking supplements. Most patients might opt for supplements compared to other treatments, even oral drugs, since they are cheaper (Retzler, 2019). These supplements boost the nerves and muscles to function better, which helps in erection and thus eliminates the erectile dysfunction problem.

Finally, treating the underlying health problem that is causing erectile dysfunction is another way to treat the erectile dysfunction problem. For instance, erectile dysfunction caused by psychological problems such as stress or anxiety can be treated by addressing the anxiety or stress that the patient is undergoing (Allen & Walter, 2019). Without addressing the cause issue, it can result in ineffective treatment.

Read about Erectile Dysfunction Symptoms here.


Allen, M. S., & Walter, E. E. (2019). Erectile dysfunction: an umbrella review of meta-analyses of risk factors, treatment, and prevalence outcomes. The Journal of Sexual Medicine16(4), 531-541.

Retzler, K. (2019). Erectile dysfunction: A review of comprehensive treatment options for optimal outcome. Journal of Restorative Medicine8(1).