Erectile Dysfunction Symptoms

Impotence, also known as erectile dysfunction, is a health problem particularly affecting men with challenges erecting and maintaining an erection. Impotence is associated with several causes ranging from physical issues such as injuries to psychological conditions such as stress and anxiety. Various treatment approaches are associated with the condition (Irwin, 2019). The symptoms of erectile dysfunction are quite easy to identify and can be self-diagnosed. Even with self-diagnosis, seeking clearance from a health care expert is important. If the symptoms persist, it is always advisable to seek medical intervention.

One of the main symptoms of erectile dysfunction is difficulties in getting an erection any time an individual wants to have sexual intercourse. It is easy for a man to note that he has erectile dysfunction if he fails to erect any time he wants to engage in sex (Matsuda et al., 2021). With such symptoms, the patient's partner might feel irritated, and their relationship might have issues. It is important to seek treatment once these symptoms manifest. Again, patients who cannot erect have challenges in impregnating someone (Irwin, 2019). Therefore, this is another symptom associated with erectile dysfunction. The condition can significantly affect the mental state of the patient.

Another symptom of erectile dysfunction is having a soft erection or an erection that lasts for a short time. Erectile dysfunction patients often find it challenging to maintain a steady erection for a long time without oral drugs or other medications (Matsuda et al., 2021). At times these erections are not firm enough for a sexual encounter. It is easy to identify that someone has erectile dysfunction based on this symptom (Calogero et al., 2018). Again, these soft erections can be challenging in impregnating someone. They are also associated with premature or delayed ejaculations. With erectile dysfunction, a patient can ejaculate prematurely or delay the process. A patient's psychological state is highly affected by this condition, where the psychological effect can make the condition worse.

Having reduced sexual desire or developing a low sex drive is another symptom indicating erectile dysfunction health issue. Since patients with erectile dysfunction face erection problems, their sexual desire is highly affected. The drive for sexual intercourse gradually wears off, making the patient have a low sex drive (Calogero et al., 2018). The challenges they face to erect or maintain an erection and the embarrassment they get from these encounters make them feel less desire to engage in sex. Moreover, their psychological state and sex excitement fade, turning their sexual desire low (Matsuda et al., 2021). Most men with no issues concerning their erection have strong sexual desire and have a positive psychological state of mind concerning sexual intercourse. 

Unsatisfying sexual encounters are also symptoms associated with erectile dysfunction. Those who get negative feedback or observe that they performed poorly in their sexual encounters can indicate a problem they have (Irwin, 2019). These encounters can lower the patient's self-esteem, and their confidence can be destroyed. It is important to understand that erectile dysfunction can be treated, and it is a health issue many people face.

From the above symptoms, patients can have themselves evaluated in a health care facility to get an accurate diagnosis concerning their erectile dysfunction and the root cause of their condition. Medical professionals provide the best-suited treatment based on their findings from the test done. Erectile symptoms are very few and almost similar, which needs medical expertise to evaluate them to be able to provide help to the patient (Matsuda et al., 2021). Erectile dysfunction is often associated with other health-related complications such as diabetes, heart diseases, anxiety, depression, stress, physical injuries around the genitals, high blood pressure, and many more (Irwin, 2019). In most cases, these health issues cause erectile dysfunction, and addressing them can also help solve the erectile dysfunction issue.

The erectile dysfunction may not be persistent at first, but with time as the condition manifest, the symptoms persist and can lead to total failure to achieve an erection. The condition can be treated at any age, and addressing the problem earlier, the better (Calogero et al., 2018). Many patients might feel embarrassed to seek medical intervention, choose to use oral pills that make them active for a few hours, and ignore solving the root cause, which will help them in the long run.

Read about Erectile Dysfunction Treatment here.


Calogero, A. E., Burgio, G., Condorelli, R. A., Cannarella, R., & La Vignera, S. (2018). Lower urinary tract symptoms/benign prostatic hyperplasia and erectile dysfunction: from physiology to clinical aspects. The Aging Male21(4), 261-271. Irwin, G. M. (2019). Erectile dysfunction. Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice46(2), 249-255. Matsuda, Y., Kobayashi, K., Fukuta, F., Takayanagi, A., Hashimoto, K., Tanaka, T., & Masumori, N. (2021). Which happens earlier, lower urinary tract symptoms or erectile dysfunction? Sexual Medicine9(2), 100275.