Cancer Symptoms and Signs

Ah, cancer. Don't Google this condition if you haven't already. Just reading a few of the cancer symptoms can cause quite a scare. But unlike a lot of things in life, cancer isn't something that comes and goes; it doesn't just affect you for a short time and then leave you be. It is something that you will remember for the rest of your life. And sadly, cancer isn't just one disease — there are many different types. Here is the basic overview of cancer and its variants — what it is, what causes it, and cancer symptoms.

cancer symptoms

source: iowalum

What is Cancer?

Cancer is a condition in which the body's cells alter and grow uncontrollably. This disease is caused by changes to DNA, the material inside cells that makes up our genes and controls how they work. Cancer cells can spread through the bloodstream and lymph system to other body parts. When this happens, it's called metastasis.

Cancer can happen anywhere in your body, including your blood, bones, brain, and skin. There are more than 100 types of cancer that affect different parts of the body. Some cancers are named for where they start, like breast cancer or lung cancer. Others are named for what type of cell they started in, like squamous cell carcinoma or basal cell carcinoma.

Risk Factors:

Cancer is a disease that is characterized by the growth of abnormal cells. These abnormal cells tend to grow and spread, and they often attack healthy cells surrounding them. This can create problems in the body, from tumors to swelling to organ failure.

Abnormal cells are produced due to changes in the genes and chromosomes of healthy cells. The exact cause of these genetic changes is unknown, but some risk factors are mentioned below. :

smoking tobacco products can increase your risk of cancer.

being overweight or obese increases your chances of developing certain cancers.

Cancer Symptoms:

It is important to remember that cancers do not always start as tumors when looking for cancer symptoms, and many people diagnosed with cancer do not have any visible symptoms. Some cancers are found by chance when they are discovered during routine medical tests or screenings, and some cancers may have no obvious symptoms until they have progressed to an advanced stage.

source: [European Pharmaceutical Review]

When looking for cancer symptoms, remember that some signs and symptoms are very common among patients with various cancers. These include:

  • Pain - If you feel pain in a part of your body with no recent injury or trauma, this could signify that you have developed some tumor.
  • Swelling - Swelling in your skin or surrounding areas can sometimes signify that you have developed a tumor in this area.
  • Weight loss - Weight loss without trying to lose weight can be another indication.

Other Common Cancer Symptoms:

The cancer symptoms are



Soreness of the skin

Lumps under the skin

Extreme fatigue

Experiencing unusual bleeding or discharge.


Cough that won't go away or worsens with time

Difficulty swallowing or pain when swallowing

Indigestion or difficulty swallowing that does not get better

Problems with urination (burning or pain with urination (peeing)

Blood in the urine (pee),

Change in bowel habits such as constipation or diarrhea that lasts for more than a few days and does not go away even after treatment with medicine

Anal bleeding, or blood in the stool (poo) that can't be explained

Any change in the shape or color of a mole on your skin.


So, we have covered some very important and essential information about cancer. However, it's clear that this article is about to wrap up, so please let us know what you think below. Who do you think is more at risk of getting cancer? We hope you find the information we've provided above informative and helpful, and remember to share if you have further questions or comments.

We have tried our best to explain cancer symptoms here. Cancer is scary. It's painful, disfiguring, and a threat to people's lives. You might not be in a position to help raise awareness of the subject, but we hope that the information we shared here on cancer has provided you with the knowledge you need to determine both what the signs and symptoms are.

We have also published an article about Cancer treatments and prevention. Here is the link:

Treatment of Cancer.