Alcoholism Treatment

Patients suffering from alcohol use disorder have various treatment choices to choose to recover their healthy lifestyle. Depending on an individual's alcoholism level, healthcare professionals can suggest the best approach to treating the disorder (Burke, 2018). These treatment approaches include therapies, recovery programs, and sedatives or medications. At times, patients have to visit institutions that monitor them, guide them through the recovery process, and mentor them all through the program. Therapy is the main treatment approach used to treat alcoholism.

Patients with alcohol use disorder receive counseling from professionals who help them change their psychological thinking for the best. These counseling sessions can be done privately, as a couple of sessions, as a group session, or as an intervention where certain people are present for support (Popham, 2019). Support is vital for patients recovering from alcoholism or any other drugs related recoveries. Patients gain motivation from the supports given to them. Detoxification is another treatment approach that is effective in alcoholism treatment. The approach can be made in a hospital where patients cannot access alcohol and receive medications that help them with withdrawal symptoms. It can take around two to seven days.

Again, the use of medications is another treatment approach used. Patients are given certain medications which have different outcomes whenever patients consume alcohol were taking them (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 2021). For instance, patients can be prescribed to use disulfiram which makes them vomit, feel nausea or get headaches whenever they consume a lot while under the medication. To fight the alcohol cravings, patients can be advised to use acamprosate (Popham, 2019).

Again to block the effects of alcohol or the cravings 3 for alcohol, naltrexone is a medication that patients can be advised to use. These medications are used in the treatment for alcoholism. The root cause of the issue needs to be solved for a problem to be solved. Since alcoholism can be caused by mental issues such as depression and anxiety, it is important to address these issues through psychotherapy and then move on to solving the alcoholism issue (Burke, 2018).

Psychotherapy alone can sometimes be less effective; therefore, incorporating medications can help solve the issues. To treat alcohol use disorder, patients can be taught other skills to keep them occupied and forget about alcohol use. Professionals are majorly used in this approach for it to be effective.

The approach involves behavioral change, which is primarily the approach's main goal (Popham, 2019). Patients and specialists work together and set smart goals designed to help the patients to recover and change their alcohol consumption habits. Patients learn new ways to cope with the cravings, prevent themselves from relapse, build social support dedicated to helping the patient recover, and many other activities. In the treatment system for alcohol use disorder, social support plays a significant role in the patient's recovery process. Patients need support from their families, friends, and other people that surround them.

With this support, they feel loved and motivated, pushing them to be strong and work hard to achieve their goals and fight alcoholism, making them reliable people in society (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 2021). Rehabilitation centers are common places where patients can receive these learning activities and skills to help them recover and change their ways for good. These facilities offer treatments from social support and medications to behavioral change. For that reason, people prefer rehabilitation centers for patients with drugs related disorders.

4 Intervention is an approach used to help alcoholics change. In most cases, family members and friends come together to intervene and try to talk sense to the patient and help them see what they are doing to themselves and the people surrounding them (Burke, 2018). If this approach fails, most people seek professional help.

The treatment process for patients with alcohol use disorder involves different professionals such as primary care providers who majorly focus on medications and briefly touch on behavioral change. Psychiatrists are also involved in the treatment process, focusing on behavioral change and medications.

Social workers, psychologists, and alcohol counselors are involved and specialize in behavioral change. All these specialists have different credentials that qualify them to specialize in treating alcohol use disorder.

Read about Alcoholism Symptoms here.


Burke, D. (2018). Alcoholism. Healthline.
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. (2021). Treatment for Alcohol Problems: Finding and Getting Help | National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA).
Popham, R. E. (2019). Alcohol & alcoholism. In Alcohol & Alcoholism. University of Toronto Press.