AIDS Treatment and Prevention

HIV is a deadly virus transmitted through unprotected sex and sharing needles for injecting drugs. In this article, we will discuss AIDS treatment and prevention. Worldwide over 40 million people are thought to have HIV infection. AIDS is certainly not a healthy condition that comes from HIV infection. Let's look at some of the options to avoid and treat it.

Living with aids can be challenging; there is no getting around it. Unprotected skin-to-skin contact, sharing needles or syringes, and when mother-to-child transmission occurs. These are the ways that one can contract HIV or AIDS.

AIDS treatment

source: Avert


AIDS, or acquired immune deficiency syndrome, is a serious disease, and its cause is HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). HIV is a retrovirus that attacks the body's immune system, specifically cells called CD4 (cluster of differentiation) cells or T cells. When HIV enters the body, it begins to replicate and destroy these T cells. This makes it harder and harder for the body to fight off infections and certain cancers. These opportunistic infections are one of the symptoms that signify AIDS.

When a person has a T cell count of less than 200 per cubic millimeter of blood (200 cells/mm3), they are considered to have AIDS. Without treatment, people diagnosed with this disease typically survive about three years.

AIDS Treatment:

Most people who are infected with HIV do not have symptoms for many years after being infected. They may pass the virus to others during this time without knowing that they are infected themselves. Without proper AIDS treatment, the immune system weakens over time, leaving people vulnerable to infections and certain kinds of cancers called opportunistic infections that would usually not affect a person with a healthy immune system.

There are several methods of AIDS treatment. For example, some people use drugs like herbs. The herbs have chemicals that can be harmful to the brain if overdosed. Other people use drugs that help fight HIV and increase the white blood cells in the body. These drugs effectively kill the virus and make it easier for the white blood cells to fight it off.

Ways of AIDS Treatment:

The most common way of AIDS treatment is by using a combination of different treatments. Some of these treatments include:

Antiviral drugs (effective in aids treatment):

These drugs work by slowing down or stopping the growth of viruses in your body. This slows down or stops their ability to reproduce and infect new cells.

Antiretroviral therapy:

This treatment helps stop HIV from replicating in your body and reduces its ability to spread through your bloodstream.


Antibiotics kill bacteria that cause infections such as pneumonia, meningitis, and tuberculosis (TB).


Surgery may be used if you have certain cancer types spread throughout your body. It may also be used if you develop tumors on organs like your lungs or lymph nodes (lymphoma).

AIDS prevention:

One of the most important things we can prevent AIDS is to avoid getting infected with HIV.

If you are sexually active, you can lower your risk by being in a long-term mutually monogamous relationship with a partner who has been tested and has negative HIV test results

Use latex condoms

Limit your number of sex partners

Don't share syringes or needles if you use drugs

Get tested for STDs and HIV regularly

If you're pregnant, ask your doctor about taking antiretroviral medication

Aids can be prevented by keeping yourself safe through simple activities. Many people have been infected due to ignorance, but if you educate yourself on preventing this disease, it could potentially save your or someone else's life.


Prevention is always better than cure. The number of people infected with HIV should not increase. Therefore the best way to do so should be through education and awareness of preventing HIV from infecting other people, from one person to another. I hope you have known the methods of AIDS treatment.

Also, read the symptoms and Causes of AIDS here. The link is given below:

AIDS: Causes and Symptoms