Legionella Remediation: How to Clean and Disinfect Water Systems

Legionella Remediation: How to Clean and Disinfect Water Systems

Legionella bacteria, notorious for causing diseases like Legionnaires' disease and Pontiac fever, pose a significant risk in water systems. With origins primarily in cooling towers and hot-water systems, effective disinfection methods are crucial in preventing Legionella contamination. This article explores various chemical, thermal, and physical methods, including the promising alternatives of UV irradiation, thermal disinfection, heterogeneous catalytically ozonation, and hydrodynamic cavitation. Considering factors that impact disinfection efficacy, such as Legionella's resistance to disinfectants, it emphasizes the importance of regular monitoring and maintenance in challenging settings like cooling towers and hospital potable water systems. Prevention and management strategies, including proper water system design, temperature control, and educational programs, play a vital role in minimizing the public health and economic burden of Legionella contamination.

Temperature Control

Temperature control is a critical factor in effectively preventing the growth and spread of Legionella bacteria in water systems. Legionella bacteria thrive in temperatures between 20 and 45 degrees Celsius, making it crucial to maintain appropriate temperatures in man-made water systems. Cold water outlets should be kept below 20 degrees Celsius, while hot water outlets should be above 50 degrees Celsius (55 degrees in healthcare environments). Proper temperature monitoring is essential to ensure that Legionella growth is controlled.

Water system design also plays a significant role in Legionella prevention. Designing water systems that minimize the presence of stagnant water and promote efficient water flow can help reduce the risk of Legionella colonization. Regular maintenance and cleaning of water systems, including flushing and disinfection, are important control measures.

In addition to temperature control and water system design, other Legionella control measures should be implemented. These may include the use of disinfectants such as chlorine dioxide, copper and silver ionization, and monochloramine. Each of these disinfection methods has its own advantages and should be selected based on site conditions and water temperature.

Disinfection Methods

Various effective disinfection methods can be utilized to control Legionella bacteria in water systems. Chemical disinfectants, such as chlorine-based disinfectants, have been found to be effective in controlling Legionella. Other disinfectants, including monochloramine and chlorine dioxide, have also shown promising results. UV irradiation is another method that has biocidal effects and is widely used in wastewater disinfection. Thermal disinfection, achieved at a temperature of 60°C, has the ability to eradicate Legionella. Hydrodynamic cavitation, a new water treatment technology, has shown a 93.3% disinfection rate of Escherichia coli and may have potential for controlling Legionella.

It is important to note that Legionella control methods may vary depending on the specific setting. In cooling towers, which are common in large facilities, Legionella control is crucial due to the risk of contamination. In hospital potable water systems, Legionella control is challenging and requires regular monitoring and maintenance. UV-A LED systems have shown promise for reducing the risk of Legionella contamination in water plants.

Legionella Remediation How to Clean and Disinfect Water Systems

Effect of Biofilm

Biofilm plays a significant role in the resistance of Legionella bacteria to disinfection methods. Biofilm is a complex structure formed by microorganisms that adhere to surfaces in water systems. Legionella bacteria have the ability to attach to biofilm and grow within its protective matrix. This biofilm provides a physical barrier that shields the bacteria from the effects of disinfection agents, making it more difficult to eliminate them.

Biofilm formation and Legionella growth go hand in hand. As Legionella bacteria colonize the biofilm, they multiply and create a stable environment for their survival. The biofilm also acts as a reservoir, allowing the bacteria to persist even during periods of low nutrient availability or unfavorable conditions.

Removing biofilm is essential for effective disinfection of water systems. Biofilm removal techniques include physical scrubbing, chemical agents, and thermal treatments. However, biofilm can be challenging to completely eliminate due to its resistant nature and the complexity of its structure.

Biofilm-associated disinfection challenges arise because the biofilm provides a protective environment for Legionella bacteria, shielding them from disinfection agents. This resistance can lead to incomplete disinfection and the persistence of Legionella in the water system.

To control biofilm in water systems, various strategies can be employed. These include regular cleaning and maintenance of the system, using appropriate disinfection methods, and implementing biofilm control measures such as the use of biofilm-resistant materials or advanced water treatment technologies.

The impact of biofilm on Legionella transmission is significant. Biofilm acts as a source of Legionella bacteria, allowing them to be released into the water system and potentially causing infections. The persistence of Legionella within biofilm can lead to ongoing transmission and outbreaks if not properly addressed.


In conclusion, effective disinfection methods are crucial in preventing Legionella contamination in water systems. Various chemical, thermal, and physical methods, including chlorine-based disinfectants, UV irradiation, thermal disinfection, heterogeneous catalytically ozonation, and hydrodynamic cavitation, have shown promise in eradicating Legionella. Factors such as resistance of Legionella bacteria to disinfectants in different culture conditions must be considered. Legionella control is challenging in specific settings, necessitating regular monitoring and maintenance. Prevention and management strategies, including proper water system design, temperature control, and educational programs, are essential in minimizing the risk of Legionella contamination.


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